Sunday, December 6, 2009

It's been a while...

I moved back to Austin about a month ago. I guess I ran away from Boston way sooner than I thought I would. Once I decided that I was going to eventually move back to Austin that turned into me thinking why not sooner than later. So here I am, completely content with my life. So thankful for my friends in Boston and all their support but Austin feels like home. Its been a while since I felt at home somewhere but here it is. I love it so so much.

I woke up yesterday in a bed in Houston to some heavy snow fall outside. Five minutes after awaking my host was handing me a bottle of bourbon and I began my day taking warm nips of that smokey brown medicine. I was getting a buzz by 2 and thankfully stopped indulging by then. Bryan and Amber are very gracious hosts and not hesitant with their offerings of food and drink. By the evening I had my act together and made the trek back to Austin with Raina while listening to some necessary Ryan Adams, Wilco, and Cory Branan. I then went on to play a very fun show with the Electric Mountain Rotten Apple gang, enjoyed the company of Mike and Dawn, and finished the night off with a very drunken late night jam with Bluegrass Dave, D Mo, and Grace. I am so very happy to be HOME.

1 comment:

marylamb said...

We are ALL happy you are home as well.

I cannot wait to see you at the Hanukah party at our house this Saturday (Dec 12) at 6pm. I will be done with finals and ready for a few brews!
